Sorry for the lack of blogging, but.....Yes, my friends, you read that correctly! I am running another half marathon! Nashville here I come! I'm excited about running another 13.1 miles! I'm a bit worried about the hills that Nashville has to offer since Virginia Beach is pretty much known for four things: it's beach, it's humidity, jet noise, and the fact that it's super flat. I am planning on taking some of my training runs over to the rather glorious, and aptly named, Mount Trashmore to train with some hills. Also my Dad is having open heart surgery up at Mt. Sinai in Manhattan on March 6th. Mt. Sinai is located right across the street from Central Park and I'm really excited to go for a run up there. I'm just sad that the tv show Friends has been over for like 10 years and the fact that it's fictional because, if you know me, I'd be right there at Central Perk hanging out with my six friends. Slightly obsessed. I know.
Since the last time I've blogged, I've run several races. I just wanted to share a few pictures.
I was dressed as Where's Waldo for the Wicked 10K
here in Virginia Beach in October. It was a blast!
The very next weekend in November I ran the Color Me Rad
5K with my friends Elissa, Jen, Rosann, and Josh. It was a fun,
mellow race to run with friends! Lots of fun memories!
A few weeks after that I ran a 10K on Thanksgiving morning and in December I ran a 5K in Chesapeake to support Young Life there!
So if you remember my blog post from before the Virginia Beach Half Marathon, you'd remember I was raising money for Young Life Capernaum through C-4 Racing. Well, my friends, I am back at it. And this time I am helping to raise money to send our dear friends with disabilities to a week of Young Life Camp. For many of these friends, they have never been to summer camp before nor have they been away from their parents or care givers before. And paying for a week of camp is hard for many of these friends. So going to camp is just a dream for a lot of them. And if this isn't enough, they will get to hear the Word of Christ while away at camp. What more could you ask for? My goal is to raise $5000 to put towards Campership. Will you help me send our Capernaum friends to camp?
If you'd like to contribute to my race and help send these kids to camp, please go to Rock and Roll Nashville Half Marathon Fundraiser. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
Also I've talked with my friend Jeremy, who is the founder of C-4 Racing, and we would both love to see C-4 grow into a larger racing company. We could definitely use some help! If you would like to be apart of that on the business end of things or to join the team on the racing end of things, Jeremy and/or myself would love to chat with you. Again, feel free to email me at
I am thankful for all of you and the impact you've had on my life! Thank you!