The above picture includes a sweet Capernaum friend of mine, Mika (pronounced Me-ka). Mika was in my cabin - a quick shout out to my Peddler Mill Ladies - this past week at Rockbridge.
Put Mika on hold for a hot sec while I give you a little background to this story and explain the title of this entry.
The July Assignment Team at Rockbridge had a 5 week assignment with the Capernaum week being their final week - so of course, they're tired. Chris Buda was speaking and Ben Tuel and Kirk Wilson were the Program duo for our camp trip. One of Ben's characters was called Gary the Label Guy. The girls in my cabin LOVED Gary the Label Guy!
Well, after Buda (which a good number of our kids called him Gouda, ya know - the cheese, all week) gave the sin/cross talk, we returned to our cabin for Cabin Time. As I was in the midst of explaining the seriousness of the condition of sin and the act of the cross, dear sweet Mika asked, "Does Gary the Label Guy love Jesus?"
I stopped mid-sentence and asked. "What?" Mika repeated herself and I just laughed and assured her that yes, Gary the Label Guy does, in fact, love Jesus. This spun into a whole knew Cabin Time based on why Gary the Label Guy loves Jesus. Through out the entire Cabin Time and the rest of the day Mika kept asking if I was sure if I was sure that Gary the Label Guy knew Christ. And when I asked her if she wanted to start a relationship with Christ, she said no.
So, to make a long story somewhat short. Later that night as we were getting ready for bed, Mika asked me one more time if I was sure that Gary the Label Guy loves Jesus. I assured her that he did and I asked her if she was ready to love Jesus. She said yes and we prayed right then and there for sweet Mika to start a relationship with Christ.
So here's to you Ben Tuel - A.KA. Gary the Label Guy - for paving a way for kids to know Christ.