Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Minor Frustrations?

So today was one of those days where there were minor setbacks all day long. There was a longer than normal line at Starbucks. There was an abnormal amount of traffic both to and from my friend Jen's house. I went to help my 87 year old Grandmother vacuum her place this afternoon and when I walked into the kitchen I find this huge mess all around the stove. Apparently she made herself soup last night and she forgot about it so it boiled over and she didn't feel like cleaning it up - which means I did. I was expecting to be over for about 10 - 15 minutes and I was over there for about an hour. I was so frustrated over these set backs that occurred all day.

Then I get an email from my friend Dalynn asking for prayer. Dalynn and Mike's three-year-old, Cole, is going through chemo and is having a lot of hard side effects because of the meds. I began to think of their journey since Cole was diagnosed with cancer. And it made me think of Meade and Mary Elizabeth and their journey over the last several months. And Leigh Ellen as she and Daniel are in Nicaragua with Maria and waiting to come home. All of my set backs today are pale in comparison to these folks.

Our circumstances may not change and we may not change, but our view on Christ needs to change. At times, I didn't think my day couldn't get much worse, but in reality I need to thank Christ for what I have and the situations that I'm in.

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