Thursday, April 14, 2011

Internet from the Plane?

So here's something new to me: internet connection from an airplane. Relatively speaking, computers and especially laptops aren't that old in the grand scheme of things. Neither is flying for that matter. So it somewhat baffles me that I can update my blog from the plane...while listening to Mumford & Sons. I love Mumford.

Anyways, I'm on my way back to Antelope after a week of vacation "Back East". My dear brother-in-law, Josh Goodman, got married this past weekend to Lindsay Cummings. It was a great wedding and great reception. I was able to see some of my favorite people that day. It was so great. I'm just so excited for Josh and Lindsay. I can't wait to see what the Lord does in and through them in their marriage and ministry in Roanoke.

Unfortunately, I took all of like 3 pictures this past week (which I have yet to upload) and only one at the wedding and it wasn't even of the bride or groom. What a bummer! (I still love you Fetzers!)

So back to Oregon I go. Getting ready to gear up for summer in the Canyon. We have just over 2 months until about 1,000 high school and middle school kids come to occupy our two camps, Canyon and Creekside! So many of these teens will be hearing about Christ for the very first time in their lives! How great is this!

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